Ready to become an instructor???

  • Certifications
  • Workshops
  • Online Training
  • and more

Options to Teach

Option 1 In the Gym
  • Designed by fitness experts specifically for older adults.
  • Offered at thousands of locations nationwide.
Classic Circuit EnerChi
Yoga Splash Stability

Option 2 Beyond the Gym
  • Locations outside of traditional fitness centers to provide easy access to members and alleviate travel concerns.
  • Examples of these locations include: Senior communities, community centers, parks and pools.
  • More than 60 approved FLEX classes including yoga, tai chi and boot camp are offered which you can use current certifications to teach.

Reach a New Audience

Julie B.
SilverSneakers Instructor
“I am a SilverSneakers instructor because I LOVE IT. They love and appreciate me, but truly they are the gift. ”
Karen D.
SilverSneakers Instructor (since 2003)
“The FLEX program is aptly named – for the flexibility it provides both for my students and for me as a small business owner. I am able to teach the classes MY students want to take,and I am able to teach those classes on a schedule that works for ME.”
Ti B.
SilverSneakers Instructor
Teaching SilverSneakers is a life-changing and rewarding experience. Class members feel more like family members. There is something for everyone. We get to share and learn on this journey of fitness, wellness and laughter together. I often admit to my students that they teach me more than I could ever teach them. They truly light up my life. Teaching these classes is a highlight of my day!

We give you the support you need to be successful.

How to Become an Instructor

Complete the Required Training
Start Teaching

Help us change the lives of millions!

Register Now Only takes 2 minutes.

SilverSneakers by Tivity Health is the leader in fitness programs for millions of older adults with classes enjoyed at thousands of locations across the country.

Extending and improving lives every day.